ASK A RESEARCHER: When spring arrives, many swap the treadmill for outdoor running. But is that a good idea?
According to the researchers we spoke to, both outdoor running and treadmill running are effective forms of exercise.(Photo: Dusan Petkovic / Shutterstock / NTB)
After a long winter, the treadmill is often replaced with outdoor running.
With new running shoes and the spring sun peeking through, the temptation to get outside for a workout is even greater.
The treadmill can start to feel boring in comparison.
But should you swap it for asphalt or gravel paths?
Greater flexibility in training
Øyvind Sandbakk, sports director at the Norwegian School of Elite Sports (NTG) and professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway's School of sport sciences, believes the differences are not necessarily that big.
"You do exactly the same work on a treadmill as when you run outside. The difference is that the surface varies more outdoors, and on the treadmill, you don't experience air resistance," he says.
Øyvind Sandbakk, professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway's School of sport sciences, says there is not a significant difference between running on a treadmill or outdoors.(Photo: Norwegian School of Elite Sports (NTG))
However, the treadmill offers greater flexibility for adjusting workouts and controlling incline. This can be particularly beneficial for the legs, as it allows for better management of strain, he explains.
"The harder the surface you run on and the faster you run, the greater the mechanical strain on your muscles, tendons, and joints," says Sandbakk.
He believes that the risk of injury can therefore increase when running outdoors, especially with frequent running on asphalt.
"In Norway, we have changing seasons with snow, ice, and cold temperatures. In such conditions, the treadmill can be a good alternative at times," he says.
It is harder to control running conditions outdoors due to varying weather and terrain.(Photo: Dudarev Mikhail / Shutterstock / NTB)
Running on a treadmill can reduce the risk of injury
In a 2020 study involving 494 participants, researchers investigated whether there were differences between running on a treadmill and running outdoors or on solid ground.
The results showed that most aspects were similar, but with a few small differences. According to the study, this happens when you run on a treadmill:
The body moves less up and down
The strain on the ankle is higher
The knee is slightly more extended when the foot hits the ground
There is less push-off in the stride
The foot remains in contact with the ground slightly longer
In another study from 2015, researchers analysed injuries among 122 male participants in the Rio de Janeiro half marathon.
The findings from this study indicated that those who had trained on a treadmill had a lower risk of injury.
Running on a treadmill can reduce the risk of overuse injuries, according to a study.(Photo: Shutterstock / NTB)
"The muscles and heart get exercised regardless"
Eivind Andersen is an associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway's Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Studies.
Like Sandbakk, he points out that running outdoors and on a treadmill generally provide the same health benefits.
"Muscles and the heart are getting exercise either way. Running reduces the risk of various lifestyle diseases, regardless of whether it happens on a treadmill or a gravel path," says Andersen.
However, he points to research showing that spending time outdoors benefits mental health.
"There’s likely a difference between regularly running in the forest and running on a treadmill in a dark basement. Being in nature triggers the release of happiness hormones, giving us a sense of well-being," he says.
People have different needs
Andersen points out that many find running on a treadmill monotonous and demotivating. His advice is to keep yourself engaged.
"What's convenient about a treadmill is that you can watch a show, easily adjust the speed, and jump off whenever you want. Plus, you don't have to worry about the weather," he says.
He also notes that the treadmill may offer some small health benefits.
"It tends to be gentler on the body due to reduced impact. Additionally, you often have a slightly higher running cadence on the treadmill and rely less on your hamstrings," says Andersen.
Should you run outdoors or on a treadmill? It depends on your training needs, says sports researcher Eivind Andersen.(Photo: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock / NTB)
Whether a treadmill or outdoor running is best for you depends on your preferred training style. It also depends on whether you have any existing injuries, says Andersen.
"Some runners struggle with Achilles tendon issues. In that case, outdoor running may be a better option since the treadmill places more strain on the tendon," he says.
At the same time, he points out that treadmills are excellent for tracking progress and maintaining control over workouts.
"There can be big differences between treadmills, so I recommend using the same type each time. Treadmills also make it easy to monitor speed, time, and step count," he says, adding:
"But for most people, it doesn't really matter whether you run on a treadmill or outside. Choose what motivates you and helps you stick to your routine. Make sure to tailor your workouts to your needs."
"Choose what motivates you and helps you stay consistent," says Eivind Andersen.(Photo: Private)
Variation is always good
"What should we consider if we've just starting to run or considering doing so?"
"The most important thing is to focus on completing your workouts properly," says Øyvind Sandbakk.
He stresses the importance of easing into running and gradually increasing intensity over time.
"If you have access to a treadmill, that's great, but it's also beneficial to get outside whenever possible. Variation is always good," he says.
Sandbakk also recommends combining running with strength training and injury-prevention exercises to better prepare the body.
"Be prepared – eat at the right times and ensure you're well-rested before your workout. It's important to have a positive running experience so that you stay motivated to continue," he says.