In the Arctic Ocean and on the shoulders of giants
We are off and have been out for almost a week. Steaming north and east we had strong winds and almost -25 degrees. Luckily things calmed down and got a bit warmer before our first ice station. For several days now we have been at 82 degrees N and with more than 3000 meters of water under the keel. We established work on the ice and lowered a variety of nets and instruments both from the ship and from the ice. After a while we had the hang of it and the cruise had really started. What is down there? How much activity is there? Is it advent in the Arctic Ocean?
The Nansen Legacy project is no doubt standing on the shoulders of giants. The pioneering work by Fridtjof Nansen is well acknowledged by the project. More recent pioneers are those that established and ran the Pro Mare project in the late eighties, probably the last major and nationally coordinated effort to study ecosystem processes in the Barents Sea. Pro Mare led to much progress, including better understanding of the large diversity of life inside and below sea ice.

A whole generation of young marine researchers were born and raised through Pro Mare. A cohort, as we also say in population biology. The Nansen Legacy has similar aims. We wish to educate the next generation of marine scientists. More than half of the 35 participants on the cruise are taking their PhD or doing a Post Doc through the Nansen Legacy. Bright, happy, and hard working. It is looking good.

We are extremely well looked after and supported by the friendly and skilled crew on RV Kronprins Haakon. “Heilt konge” as we say in Norwegian, and as well put on one of the paintings on the ship. Looking very much forward to the remaining work. Greetings from two of us on board; too young for Pro Mare, too old for the new cohort, but trying to be part of the bridge.