Norway: Record levels of foreign citizens among new PhDs
A total of 1,601 new PhDs were completed at Norwegian universities and university colleges last year. Almost 700 of them were foreign citizens, according to figures from Statistics Norway.
1,601 new doctorates in 2021 is 33 fewer than the year before, according to the new numbers from Statistics Norway (link in Norwegian).
44 per cent of the new PhDs were foreign citizens. The share of foreign citizens among PhDs in Norway has more than doubled over the past 20 years and have never been higher than last year.
Around half of the new doctorates with foreign citizenships came from Europe – the largest group was from Germany.
At the same time, the share of PhDs who are Norwegian citizens has decreased.
The share of new doctorates with foreign citizenships varies among different disciplines. Foreign citizens made up 63 per cent of PhDs within mathematics and natural sciences, and 60 per cent in technology.